The Impact of Young Minibus Taxi Drivers' Life Style and Situational Determinants on the Road Traffic Accident Risk: A Case Study of Kirkos sub city, Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
By taking commercial mini bus taxi drivers in kirkos sub city as a subject, this study explores to
understand the human and situational risk determ inants of road traffic accidents that foc us on these
drivers at stake. The study is undertaken in Addis Ababa city administration at kirkos sub city.
Primary data has been co llected by utilizing qualitative data generation techniques such as interview
guide line and an in-depth interv iewi ng. Field observations were also employed as a supp lementary
method. Related research studies, policies, j ourna ls, published and unpublished books and report papers
have been reviewed and ana lyzed. The inte nded ethi cal consideration of which mainl y a research
concerned with humans are respected well.
The finding of this study indi cates that some elements of the commercial min ibus taxi dri vers' life style
and situational determinants of aberrant dri ving have increased the ir risks towards road traffic accident.
Some of the elements and situations are challenging working conditions, Job and social insecuri ty,
inadequate driver training; low self esteem, passenger d istractions, ri sk-taki ng propensity, job
di ssatisfaction and ineffect ive traffic law enforcement were among the reasons depicted for aberrant
driving and the risks that make them vu ln erab le to the accidents causation in Add is Ababa city
administration. Their risk perception was also assessed. The study also hi ghl ights and further indicates the
need for comprehensive intervention for considerable stake holders towards minimizing traffic accident
risks which are caused by cOlllmercia l mini bus taxi drivers.
Young Minibus Taxi Drivers' Life Style