Evaluation of Mental health awareness and reconciliation issues on the “Ye Erq Maed” Radio Program: The Case of Fana Broadcasting Corporate
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Addis Ababa University
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the "Ye Erq Maed" radio program in promoting mental health awareness and reconciliation among its listeners, while also examining the alignment between the program's content and the intentions of its producers. The research was conducted in Addis Ababa city, specifically in Akaki Kality Subcity Woreda 12, employing a comprehensive mixed-methods approach. For data collection, a purposive sampling technique was utilized, resulting in the selection of 52 respondents who were administered a well-designed questionnaire. These participants were carefully chosen based on their relevance and potential insights into the program's impact. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with two key informants who possessed specialized knowledge and personal experiences related to the program. By incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, a more comprehensive understanding of the program's effectiveness and alignment with its intended goals was obtained. To supplement the primary data, document analysis and an extensive review of related literature were undertaken. This allowed for a deeper exploration of the program's content and objectives and provided a broader context for interpreting the research findings. The qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews was presented using descriptive narration, offering a rich and detailed account of the participants' perspectives and experiences. On the other hand, the quantitative data obtained from the questionnaires was analyzed using Google Forms and presented through visually engaging pie charts, graphs, and tables. The findings of the study revealed that the "Ye Erq Maed" radio program has the potential to inspire positive changes and has been influential in raising mental health awareness and fostering reconciliation within the community. The program's content was found to be aligned with the intentions of its producers, indicating a coherent approach in achieving their objectives, which included increasing awareness about mental health, distinguishing it from mental illness, and promoting reconciliation among couples and family members. As the program continues to grow and evolve, it possesses the potential to make a substantial and lasting impact on the well-being and relationships of its audience, further enhancing mental health awareness and fostering a sense of reconciliation within the community.