A Contrastive Analysis of The Phonologies of Gedeo and Amharic

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Addis Ababa University


The Process of this st.udy has gom, through four main stages. ~h e first stage covers the introductory part of the p aper, ",hich deals with the statemen t of th8 proble!!'., t h e val ue of the study and its limitations. It also presents a literature revie\>' of prior worl<s on the phonologies of Gedeo and Amharic, on contras tive studies between AJ;Iharic anc. other Fthiopian language,q, and on the theori e s of Contrast~ive An alysis. The s e cond stage , \~hich includes chapters two and. three, is the description of the phonologies of Gedeo an::', )lITlharic. At this stags , the se9IDe nta lp honeme~ and the ir allophonic variants as well as their distributions in a "lord or pause group are described. The n on-segmental ele ments are also an a lysed systemat ica.lly . The third stage deals ,,11th the work of e rror p r edictions, based on the hypothesis of Contrastive lInalysis. This stage) .,hich covers the whole of t.he fourth chapter deals ',1i th thfl prediction of e rrors Bxpected to be mad e by Gecteo native spe ake rs learning ]\~aric. ThIS fourth s tage , which covers the whole of c hapter five and six, d e als wi.th e rror analysis to v e rify or falsify the prcCliction of e rrors hase n on Contrast.ivE' Analysls, and it presents a swnmary of the r e sults . I n this section ' . J the questions " which app roach of Contrastive Analysis shoulC'. we use? " and. " what are the actual areas of diff.i.culty for Gedeo native speakers l e arnin g Amharic?" will be ans~ler e tl.



Contrastive Analysis

