Perceptions of Residents about Sociocultural Effects of Tourism in the Old Town Of harar

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Addis Abeba university


This study investigates the residents' perceptions of tourism's social and cultural effects on the community of old town Harar. Data were collected by means of, Survey, in depth interviews and observations u sing social exchange theory and Doxey's Irridex. Results suggest residents recognize many positive and negative consequences of h eritage tourism. The study reveals that respondents were slightly divided in their perceptions of the effects of tourism on the host community. Those who received economic or employment benefits from tourism generally viewed its socio-cultural impacts positively . Conversely, others who did not receive these benefits tend to view tourism's social costs as serious concerns .. Residents also blame the Regional State governmen t who, they claimed, has n either afforded residents the opportunity for participation in decision- ma king relating g to tourism planning and development in the old town, nor offered the r equisite funding or skills development support. Analysis of tourism effects can therefore h elp government planners, local decision-makers, tourism promoters and managers identify real concerns and issues inorder for appropriate policies and action to be introduced.



Effects of Tourism
