Impact of Floriculture Effiluents on the Quality of Farmland Soils: A Case Study of Holeta Area, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
SOllie j loriClllfllre illduslries locoled al Ifolela 10WII discllllrge /I/Ilrealed eff'ue/lfs ill/o
Ihe surrol/lldil1X eJl virol/lllel1l. As a re.wll excessil'C ferlilizer ol/d peslicide residlles
/rO/ll Ille ftlrm (Ire deleriorating Ille soil. 'I11erefore, Illis s flldy was proposed wilh the
ohjeclil'e of assessill)! Ille impact of eJjlllellls Fom Poticlllture illdllstries 011 soil
ql/(llity. We selected {II'O s flldy .\·iles Ileal' Ihe jloriclIllllre induslryal Ilolela roWI/. The
firsl sile used as a conlrol was selected Fom lite efflllelll Fee area arOlllld Ihe ftlrm
Il'hcreO'i, Ihe secolld sire sel along lite effluellt j low. II /Owl of 30 samples (/5 Fom
each) lI'ere lesled fin' Iheir physicochemical clwracleris/ics SIIClt as soil le:(/lIre,
calioll excJwlIge capacily (CEC), exchallgeable base!)' and microllli/riellf IXW(IIllerers.
'11/(' dafllwere allaly::ed IIsillg SAS softll'are /0 see iflhere were .,igllijica/l/ differences
hetween Ihe COlllrol and impaired siles lit 5% level of signijicallce. Soil/ex/ure, pl/,
CHe. exchangeable bases (K. Ca. Mg) showed sif!,lI ificllfIl differellces (1)<0,05)
betll'een lite cOHlrol a/ld impaired ,dies. 011 Ihe olher IIalld OC. 'IN. Na and
mic/'(Jllll lrielllS (Cu, ZI1. Fe lind Mn) showed illsignijiconl differellce. There is a
si?,lIificlflll raise in pI I. K. Ca mul Mg and Sigllijiclfllt decrease ill CF.C ill effluelll
affected areas wllieh jildiclile lite quali/y of f armlolld soil around Ihe jloriClllwre
indl/s/ry has beell af/ecled. lIence, OCliOIlS slwllld be w ken before the precious soil
I/Int 01// 10 be seriollsly pol/llfed Ellvirollmellwl oudil (llId ",osle waleI' mOllagemelll
could be possible solUlions 10 millimi::e Ihe direct discharge offer/ili:er rich e(flIl('111.\
inlO lite soil and rhe riiver.
Effuent. Soil quality. Farmland soils