Service Quality of Broadband Internet in Ethio Telecom

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Addis Ababa University


The aim of this thesis was to assess the service quality of Ethiotelecom broadband. In particular, the study deals about the broadband internet of enterprise customers of Ethiotelecom, Addis Ababa City only. In this study was tried to investigate how is the performance of service quality of broadband in Ethiotelecom, Addis Ababa. For the purpose of the study both primary and secondary data are used. The primary data are collected through distributed SERVQUAL instrument questionnaires and interview with enterprise customers of broadband internet in Ethiotelecom. Secondary data are collected books, previous studies, unpublished data of Ethiotelecom and broacher’s. The research approach employed is deductive research approach. The research design employed is both descriptive and explanatory research design is utilize i.e. both qualitative and qualitative research design used to find out the performance of service quality of broadband internet in Ethiotelecom. A sample of 399 was selected through using simple random sampling from the total population. The reliability of the five(5) service quality dimensions which are assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness and tangibility were used to analyze the overall service quality, overall customer satisfaction, gap model service quality analysis, and used to analyze independent valuables influence on dependent variables of the study. As of the finding, all independent variables (assurance, empathy, reliability, responsibility and tangibility) influenced the dependent variables (customer satisfaction), and explained through linear regression analysis. There is a gap on the service quality dimensions form customer expectation and perception (the customer expectation exceeds actual performance of service). In the last chapter discussed the summery of findings, recommendations and limitations of the study.



Broadband, Ethiotelecom, Service Quality
