Analysis of Research-Extension-Farmer Linkage in North West Ethiopia The Case of Participatory Finger Millet Technology Development and Delivery in Mecha Wereda of the Amhara Region

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Addis Ababa University


T he study examines res ea rch-extension-fann e rs li nkage system in rel ation to fin ge r mill et techno logy develop me nt a nd delivery, and the identification of factors influencing linkages in North West Ethiopia due to the fact that the prese nt research-extension-fa rm ers linkage scena ri o in Et hiopia in general and in th e study area in particular ha s been in effic ie nt and in e ffect ive in ac hi eving the prescribed goal of in creasing food production and improving th e qual it y of li fe of fanne rs. In this study, ra ndom samp ling procedure. wa s used to se lect 5 samp le PA s and 100 sample farm house ho ld s. Moreover, 18 researche rs from three re sea rch organ izations a nd 26 extens io n agents from three extension organizations were selected purposfull y.The requiered data were collected us in g both primary and seco ndary s ources. Res ults of the study revea led that the influence and participation of fanners, exte nsion agents, and researchers in the generation and wid er tes ting of new fin ger millet tec hnologi es have bee n minim a l. Farmers' aware ness of improved fin ge r m ill et technologies and researcher's awa ren ess of best fa rmers ' fin ger mille t practicies we re low. Moreover, participation of farmers, researc hers, and exte nsion agents in setting both research and ex tension agend a; use of co llab orative act ivities s uch as joint adapti ve trials, and s ur veys, has been a bare mini mum . Likewise, their mechanisms of exchange of resources, feedback, and coo rd inat in g t he overall activ iti es a nd systems performance were found to be wea k. The ir low use of s uc h activities underscores the lack of complete or partial linkage existi ng betwee n re sea rcher s, extension agents and far mers. To th is end, mutual re spec t and recognitions of partners competence is rarely present in the techno logy system of research a nd extension. In s um , re sea rch and extension are not a lways pe rce ived as two components sharing a comm on goa l, that of makin g re levant technolo gies ava ilable to farmers. Res ults of the econometric mode l indicated that fa rmin g experience of th e house ho ld , di s ta nce to a ll weather roads and m arkel , fr eq uency of exten sion contact, leadership position, and attendi ng tra in ing and workshops, we re found to have s ignificant impact on determining linkages of farme rs' with research and extension. On the other hand, exten sion agents' overburden in diverse ta sks , phy s ical resource constraint s, educational leve l of the age nts, structural , motivational and in ce nti ve problems, were im portant va ri ab les that had s ignifica ntl y influenced extension agents ' linkages in part icipatory finger mill et tec hnology d eve lopme nt a nd delivery with researchers and farmers. Simi alrily, financial constraints of the resea rch organi zat ions, exten sion agents work in vo l vement in diverse tasks, professional work experience of researchers , and us e of stakeholders meeting as so urc es of research agenda settin g, we re found to have s ig nificant impact on determining researchers lin kages wit h extens ion and farmers. The overa ll findin g of the st udy underl in ed o r the a uthor recommended the high imp0l1an ce of sys tems pers pectives re ga rdin g strong research-exte nsion-farmers linkages w ith a trans parent, responsible and accou ntab le linkage policy bas ed on th e consent of a ll stakehold e rs. It should be note d that poli cy make rs, managers, a nd research and extension personnel s hould recogni ze t hat resea rch and extension are part of a sin gle syste m a nd that th e mi ss ion of th is system is to make re levant techno log ie s available to farm e rs. T herefore, policy and development in terventions should g ive emphas is to lin kages, a nd shou ld treat it as an integral part in the technology ge neration and transfe r process through pro vis ion of so und leadersh ip, better ince ntive mechanisms, adeq uat e financial, physical , and human resources, reducing the work overl oad of extension staffs. Wh at is more, effective leadership that makes research and exten sion accountabl e for their 'actions is al s o needed.



Finger Millet Technology Development
