Large Classroom Management Techniqes of English Language Teachers: Grade Nine in Focus
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' classroom
management techniques In large Slze English language classes.
Descriptive survey research method was employed. In order to gather data
from six first cycle secondary schools in Addis Ababa questionnaire and
observation were used. The questionnaire was developed to obtain data on
teachers' actual class size and perception of class size, their attitude
towards large class, large class difficulties and management practices.
Based on the descriptive analysis made, the result of the study showed
that teachers define large class from different perspective. The perception
of teachers also differs from teacher to teacher. Most of the teachers
considered large class size as a place where a number of difficulties occur
like content coverage, use of teaching aid, discipline control, evaluation
and the like. When teachers teach in large size English classes they rely
mostly on teacher-centred method. It was also found out that they use
different classroom management techniques like making eye contact with
students, moving through desks, audible voice projection, giving dear
instruction and giving pair and group work. The data also indicated that
teachers manage discipline, provide/ receives feedback and motivate
students in different ways. The data from the correlation also indicated
that there is weak correlation among teachers' age, attitude and practice.
Similarly, the independent t-test indicated that there is no statistical
significant difference between male and female teachers in their attitude
and classroom management practices. Based on the result, it was
concluded that though teachers use different techniques to alleviate the
difficulties of large size classes, the problem seem unresolved. At last,
based on the findings, recommendations were made related to special
training for in-service and trainee teachers and further research studies on
the area.
Grade Nine in Focus