Biomass Yield and Nutritive Value of Desho (Pennisetum Glaucifolium) Grass as Affected by Forage Stand Height under Central Highland Condition of Ethiopia

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Addis Abeba University


The study was conducted to evaluate biomass yield and nutritive value of Desho (Pennisetum glaucifolium) grass as affected by forage stand height under central highland condition of Ethiopia. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Cutting heights considered were 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm, 100cm, 110cm and 120cm respectively. The combined analysis result shows the number of leaves per plant, number of nodes per plant, leaf length, internode length and dry matter yield were affected by cutting height(P<0.001). The highest number of leaves per plant was recorded for cutting height of 120cm with a mean of 8.15 followed by 100cm (7.20). The highest mean total dry matter yield were recorded for cutting height of 120cm (20.13t/ha), 110cm (18.22t/ha) and 100cm (18.18t/ha). All chemical analysis parameters (Ash, CP, NDF, ADL, IVDMD, OMD, and ME) tested for quality of Desho grass showed significantly affected by cutting heights (P<0.001), with DM and ADF at (P<0.05). CP% decreased as cutting height extended from 12.16-8.54% at 50cm-120cm cutting. Fiber contents showed an increasing trend with extended cutting height, except for late cutting (110cm and 120cm) of ADF% and recorded mean values of (73.5% NDF, 41.38% ADF, and 4.52% ADL. IVDMD, OMD, and ME, recorded 66.75%, 62.58%, and 10.01MJ respectively. Taking into consideration the mean values of agronomic parameters, yield, and nutritional quality, demonstrates that cutting Desho grass at 100 is recommended and it’s the good harvesting height of Desho grass at Holetta.



Biomass yield, , Desho gras, Central highland, Cutting heights, chemical composition
