Adolescence and Alcohol Use : Causes and Social Forces Sustaining Drinking Among High School Students in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


There are stages in human development including adolescence, which is a social construct. At this stage proper follow up and nurturing would be essential for a smooth transition to the next stages of life. Nonetheless, it is also part of the process to pass through some challenging experiences and experiments of life; alcohol abuse being amongst the most eminent concern during their adolescence. This research mainly aims at identifying causes and forces sustaining alcohol abuse among adolescents in high schools of Addis Ababa and the various sources of information on alcohol along the issues triggering decision on the start of drinking alcohol. A mix of four data collection methods, namely in depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions, structured interview and hidden observation, were used to get all pertinent data. 10 adolescents took part in the in depth interview and 32 others in the structured intenliew. A total of7 students from three different schools participated in the FGDs. The major findings of the research unveiled that adolescents in high schools abuse alcohol because of various social, economic, and cultural reasons encouraging consumption including peer pressure in the form fear of isolation, school parties/trips and school surrounding kiosks making them one of the four drinkers; problem drinkers, social drinkers, fashion drinkers or aspiring drinker. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to plan interventions to on people and environment around adolescents to protect them }i-om slithering down to harder psychosocial pathologies even better pull them out in the long run. Key words: Alcohol abuse; Adolescent; high school students; soc ial factors



Alcohol abuse, Adolescent, high school students, soc ial factors

