An Investgation Into The Pract'ces And Processes of Curriculum Planning And Development For General Education In Ethiopia Since 1974

dc.contributor.advisorBekele, Abebe (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorDeste, Feleke
dc.description.abstract-(ht:: purpose of schooli g is to >ducate I(:~rn ..! rs in SlK.h u "'lay IliJt they will c C'b lt! to cor:tributc to the wclf~ re " nu strength of scci ·!ty, und to r ': eo llze a f II d< v lopment of thir p.)tcnti;:·1 as human ein~s. In order to do t his , curricula are pl "'nr.~ d r'nd Q(;v -Ioped, t (:achers uro trilincd, t <::,·t books and oth-.!r ,l.::'terials rc <"IS0 produced. T ~· attClir its nd-result ~, n cducationol progrum must be planned Qnd d velopcd s / sterr.~, tiCr"~ lI y using () curriculum d v .:; loprr..; 1t model of ne kind. This fact Is one. that h"s jscapcd mt~ r.y ~cr50ns' t.lth.:ntion in s 'vcr;")1 p l n c ~s. f. curriculum dl:velopment m"d;':;! is said t (' be in 13ctu~1 us wh..;r. professionals charg c! with thr.- task shGre <1 sense of comme, rl iity .::xcmplifkd by a strong nl:twork of its concf.:ptual and m ~ 1 commitments that gcv rns their wc.rk. Such a conc ptual schc '!11 ... serves t sy ltheslzc ;) \1 und(;rtakk, gs i:lnd to rGvca l prubk.m sciutions thClt ilrise in I.: rning. he me jor objl..ctiv'· A this study is to make on Invcstigatio"1 into '~he Pr ?ctict;s and Pr ;c~ss,-s r f Curriculum Ploilnl 9 and D v<...lopmcnt for GI:mer ;J1 :::.ducati n in Ethiopia since 197~1 ~Ii h a focus (m thu und rlying m(jd~l. n s J doing, uttcmpts (I r ~ mndc to 9ath~r informCltion from pr tQ s~ionals \'/orki. 9 in th'4 Institute - for Curriculum Dev Icpme: 'It ( 11d ~~ cs~arch and officials charged with Cduc:l tlGn policy d cisivn-m;:>kiIl9 at the lev; 1 of the. istry. This inf_ rm13tion is obtain,-d thrnug quo sti(..nnairl;;s unci Int;rv ·~ws from the twr. grcups fTI ntion ~d . !~ esults hardly sU9S st th(7;t there exists:) ::!gr ·,:-,d- 'pc n curriculum dev ' lopment fr;C'del which con direct the ;:>I ~r.n ing clnden_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababauniversityen_US
dc.subjectof Curriculum Planning And Developmenten_US
dc.titleAn Investgation Into The Pract'ces And Processes of Curriculum Planning And Development For General Education In Ethiopia Since 1974en_US


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