Some Characteristics, Reasons for Participation, and Study Problems of the Senior Secondary Level Correspondence Students in Ethiopia

dc.contributor.advisorGhedal, Abebe (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorAmsalu, Abraham
dc.description.abstractThe purpos e ot th,S study wa s to investigate into some characteristIcs, reasons for particIpatIon, and study problems or a group of students in EthIopia, name l y, students who have been enrol.led in the correspondence educati on programme, otr ereU by the Distance Education Division of the Department ot Adu l t Educat ion, Ministry o f I::du c ati on. The study wa s carrIed out tnrough a questi onnaIre sent t o the ~60 students or tile correspondence programme , who were found being actively pursuIng their senior secondary courses, o ffered by the Distance Education Div isi o n , /)/t·tZL June , 1992/93 academic year . An Instrument used tor da ta collection, namely, the questionnaire was first developed and then validated by a group ot J udges and was adjusted for use in the light of t he comments received from the persons who performed the judging ta s k. Out ot the 560 questi onnaires sent to students, 382 questionnaires were returnea f llled correc·c-ry -, - i. e . a res'pons-e ot 68.2 percent. The results of the data collected from the 382 students were tallied and described on the basis of the total percentage of the response secured tor each i tern of the questionnaire o f the variable s invest igated. The findings ot tne s tudy revealed that the typical correspondence programme student of the Distanc e Education Division in Ethiopia is De tween 20 and 4 U years old , married and has more than one chi ldren . The ma l e students comprise 81.7 percent of the st.uuenL oooy . 'Ine etlucat10nal background or the students 1S dDove .l.ower senIor seconaary sct1oo1 level I i . e; above 10 c;rade~1 or 5chou.l.lng . Tr.e y are worKlng students almost InVar Iabl.Y 1n a wnite co llar occupati ons . They bea,r the t:=xt.--enses O i. tnt:: courS8 OUt of ttlelr own pockets , and c an be to..lI1C.i mostly 1[1 ru r a J.. arEas . i-'rcm .... ner,L o ~)Ject ... ves lor u nl le-:.-t.':'.",lng turtnb-r st.udles inc..l..u(~eu ' t o gaI n .:'in ()[ [l Cl cill.Y reC0yniZ e ~.l cer lca t e ' to tJd,:;::; arl eAC1.m~nat.lon ' t. ...J cDtain competence tor better jobs' I ' to secure proressi ona l promotion ' In thei r or der ot pre.(erl. I J£~ I , ne stuaent ra ted conven1ence as the main advantage ot tne corres pondenc e study metnod . Because of their worK commItments , they cannot ava il themselves ot conventional sec o ndary schools . Thus , t rom the prominent reasons students gave tor their cho ice of the study f orm , supported by the findings on the students' objective t or learning , and student characteristics, It was concluded tnat t he correspondence education programme , otfered by the Dis tance E.ducat i on D1vision in Ethiopia , is pr1marily chosen as a means of study by persons who , because o t rami l y SItuation , vocationa l engagements or other obligations were not able t o take advantage of educati o na l. otters wn1ch demand -regu lar c lass attendance.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectSome Characteristicsen_US
dc.titleSome Characteristics, Reasons for Participation, and Study Problems of the Senior Secondary Level Correspondence Students in Ethiopiaen_US


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