The Role of Decentralization in Education and Health Services Delivery in Addis Ababa City Government: Evidence from the Case of Yeka-Sub City
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Addis Ababa University
Decentralized service delivery refers to the mode in which service delivery is done through
delegation and devolution of power from center to local governments whereby efficiency and
effectiveness are likely to be achieved. The purpose of this study was to assess the improvements
in education and health services delivery in Yeka sub city of Addis Ababa city government. To
realize the purpose of the study, case study research method was conducted. The study is
qualitative whereby simple quantitative tools were employed so as to complement the qualitative
narrations. The study primarily utilized secondary data obtained, from policy documents,
constitution, proclamations, intervention plans and performance reports, etc. The study was
supported with primary data obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The data results
revealed that there is achievement in health and education service delivery as well as there are
gaps in the services delivered. The findings of the study revealed that various functions of
education and health services have been devolved to the lowest tier of government. The study has
indicated that there are multiple bodies established at lower levels of government to support
school and health centers activities. As a result, the services provided have expanded; there is
now an increased availability and accessibility of the services in both education and health. The
study also observed constraints; the constraints consider human resource, finance and facilities .
Key Words concepts: service delivery, education & health, decentralization
Concepts, Service delivery, Education & health, Decentralization