Entanglement Analysis of the Light Generated by Non-Degenarate three-Level Atom Interacting With Coherent Light and Coupled to two-Mode Squeezed Vacuum Reservoir

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Addis Ababa University


We study the statistical, the squeezing and entanglement properties of the light produced by coherently driven non-degenerate three-level atom in a cavity coupled to a two-mode vacuum reservoir. With the use of the master equation and large time approximation, we obtain the equations of evolution for the expectation values of cavity mode and atomic operators. We have calculated the mean and variance of the photon number, photon number correlation, and quadrature squeezing using the steady state solutions of the equations of evolution. It is found that the cavity mean photon number is the sum of the mean of the photon emitted by the atom and the mean of the squeezed vacuum reservoir photons. Moreover, the mean photon number for the two modes are equal. In addition, we noticed that the two-mode cavity light is in a squeezed state and the squeezing occurs in the minus quadrature, with a maximum squeezing of 93.75% for = 0.5, r = 1.75, and c = 0. Furthermore, the entanglement of the cavity radiation is studied using different criteria. The Duan et al. criteria, Hillery-Zubairy criteria, and logarithmic negativity criteria demonstrate that the two-mode cavity photons are entangled. The brightness of the cavity lights are affected by the rate of stimulated photon emission, the amplitude of coherent light and the parameter of the two-mode squeezed vacuum reservoir. Both the squeezing and entanglement increase with the amplitude of coherent light and the squeeze parameter.



Entanglement, Analysis of the Light, Generated, Non-Degenarate, Atom Interacting, Coherent Light, Squeezed, Vacuum Reservoir

