Metacestodes of Smallruminants: Prevalence at three Export Abattoirs(Elfora, Hashim & Luna)

dc.contributor.authorAbdella, Adem
dc.description.abstractA !'; lud ) to de termine th e pn.'\ akncc o f s mall ruminants ' me- lace- s La des \\as co nducted in thrc l' t.: xport ahatto ir s (ELFORA. I i<J shim and Luna ). In an aHcm!",! to find out tht..' pn: valCI1Cl' or thl' mcw(c..,todcs (()'.'ilicer cu\" fe"uicolli.~. ( ) :>. I ice r c us m'is an d hydatid C) s t ) in s he ep a nd goats s laugh tered at the tlm.~l' '-'X po rt <lball oi r::-.. a lOl a I o f 1476 Shl'l'P a nd goats (2 46 from each sjk"cit,.·s at each abauoi r) \\ ere random I) sampl ed and ex amined after sla ughter fo r th e presence or these mC I;]l..:l.'lOdcs in thl.' carcasses. organs and vi scera o f tilt.' an imal s us ing th e standa rd meaL inspe<.:tion procedu res. Positi\c or s uspected samples \\ere ta ).. .,;n to the parasito logy laborator) at the Facultv o r VClc rina rv r..kd ic in cc. Dl"bre Zeit a nd (,.' \ st id~nt i fica t io n. fc ni li t\ and \i ab ilit, .' . . . tests \\ere pe r fo n ned. ') 0 dc temline tht: prevale nce of the metacestode. C. cerehruli. ... , a to tal of -450 or sheep and goa ts (7S fro m eac h spec ie s a t each abattoir) wcre randollll~ scJcct~d. a lter slaughter the heads opened. brains exposed and examined fo r the presence of the CoellllrlH ('e,.ehrah~. The n: sul ls of the slUJ~ n.' \ eakd th ai th e 0\ c ra ll pre \ ;:il e ll Cl' of th e four mC lal'estodt:s: (' {£'Iwiwllh. C (wi.\. hydatid c~st and C cerehra/i\ in th(." ..,tud~ abattoirs "ere 3~.7°'o, IAoo. of ( (}\"i, in small ruminants found in this stud~ is the fi rst documented and conlinneu repon in thi .... nlUllln rhe results also rt'\ eakd that C cerehrafj, i" pre'\ alent in ... mall ruminanb of 10\\]anJ and midland areas in this i;Ountr~. I he pre\aknce of ( cen:hra/i., recorded in goats in the ... IUJ~ IS also tlh.' fir..;t documented n:pon in the coulllr~. I hI..' ag.(' pn .. '\ alence of (' /t'l1Ilicul/h h~ age \\<L<.; fuund to be higher in anim<ib with thl' age abl)\c ~ ~cars .. 37 R °'0 and -47.:! 0" in sheer .md ~lli1I'" fe:-.pccti\·d). rhe dilTercm:es in pr(,\3Ience bl.'I\\.;'t'l1 tht' age group" \\CfC stdtistici.lll~ signllit.:am (1' <"0 .. 05). As to the di stribu tion of C~\I~ in lht.: organs or \ isccra or inl\.'ctcd animab .. in Jllaiorit~ of tht' animals harbouring C /t'lwicol/i,. tht.' (~ ... IS slH .. med more kndt'IH.:~ to bt' loc<lt('d in the llmentum and mes('nt~r) than in the pcritollt.'um and li\er and lhi!) dillcrcnce \\a~ sigmlicant (p<O,0 5). fht' pn:' \ illt' nee of h~ dalid cysts among Ihe thrl..'(' agl..' categoril..'s of tht' sht'ep and goa lS showed inc rt:mcm as the age o r animals inc rt.:'ased and hence theft,: \\ a.s slight posiU\\..' l'orn.:i<uion bct\\\;.'en agl..' of sheep and guat::. and infection rate (r 0.07). rhe distribution of c~ ')h in the intc mal organs sho \\ cd signilil"am \ari alion bet\\ecn the t\\O organs. lungs and li\er in both animal spcl..'ie.., IP < 0.0(1) \11 rl'cl1\crl..'d C:~Sb ('"\l:Cpt thr('t: Wt'fr.: Illcatl..'d in lung--. in bnth sheep and goats. Among th e 37 an imals ( 18 sheep and 19 goats) ha rbouri ng h)datid cysts, 16 of the 1H ... hecp (88 .. 9"' 0) and 18 oftht' 19 goats (9 -4 ,7~0) had C~Sb in thC'lr lung~ \\hik onl~ in 3 IX an ima ls (2 she~p and I goa t) the l:ysts \'ere located in liver. Out of the: 118 h) d'ltid C) sts rccO\crcd. 58 (49. 15%) \'ere fertile \,hile 60 (50.85%) cysts \\ere sterile (unli.;rtile) in both species. The prevalence of C. ovis among the examined three age groups of animal s (0 .5 to 2 ~l·ars. ":! to 3 yea rs and abme three )ears) \,as analy sed. Thl' n: s ult rl' vealcd that o nly animals belonging 10 the fir st age group in both she ep and goats \\ere found to harbour C. od\ in cardiac muscle and diaphragm. rhe age \\ ise prl'\ alcllce of C cerebra/is showed that the highl'st infection rate (5.3°0 and 25.3%) was observed In the youngest age grou p in sheep and goats rcspecti\l'!Y. \\hereas the !o\\est rat e ( 1.3%) 111 goat!:> \\as found in oldest age group. thl' dillerences \\ere stat isti cally sign ifi cant (p<O.OO I ). Of th e four metacestodes. the prc\alence of C l enuico/lis \\as the highest and the most important cause of liver condemnation v,·ilh consequent eco nomic lo ss in the three export abattoirs. "I he re sults found in thi s survey sho\\oo th at mctacestodcs pose signifi can t economic problem in the export a battoirs practic ing till' slaughter of small rum in ants and e:\port meat of these animab by causing condemn ati on of considaable numbers of li\l'rs of these animals. rl.·n dering thcl11 unfit for e' po rt mar]...el. I hc rdore. initiation and implementation of control measure s become neCCSS3n in order to alle\iate till' ris]... to export ma r]...~1 ,b \\l'lI as /oonot ic ri~b to Ihe human population residing in thl' \ icinity of the export abatto irs dut: to imprope r disposal of abattoir materials b('ing practiced presentlyen_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa University Faculty Of Veterinary Medicineen_US
dc.subjectCoenurus,Cerebralis,Cysticercus,ovis, Tenuicollis,Export abattoirs, Hydatid cyst, Metacetodes, Proevalence, Small ruminantsen_US
dc.titleMetacestodes of Smallruminants: Prevalence at three Export Abattoirs(Elfora, Hashim & Luna)en_US


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