The Syntax Of Interrogatives In Oromo

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In this paper an attempt has been made to gtve a fuller description of the structure of interrogative clause in Oromo in the light of Minimalist Program (MP). In so doing, the whole paper is chunked into five chapters including the Summary. In the first chapter of the paper (introduction) the background, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, methodology, literature review and the theoretical framework adopted for the study were presented in brief. The second chapter, which I may assume to be the core part of the paper, deals with wh-questions. This chapter has three sections: In the first section), six types of wh-questions were identified on the bases of formal and functional grounds. In the second section, wh-items were discussed. In this section nine wh-items were identified out of which six a re basic while the remaining three are d erived. All the wh-items exhibit deferent morphological properties and these were discussed in this section in detail. The last section of this chapter deals with'the derivation of wh-questions. Here, it is found that the derivation of both single and multiple wh-questions does not take place in the overt syntax. The wh-phrases are in-situ type in Oromo. In the third chapter, Yes or No questions were discussed. It is observed that there is no overt movement of constituents in the derivation of Yes or No questions. Yes or No questions a re assumed to be characterized by question affix and suprasegtnental features alternatively. X In chapter four, echo questions are treated in brief. The ways echo questions are derived from different clauses are discussed in the chapter. y Chapter five deals with summary and the main points raised in each chapter are recapitulated.



structure of interrogative clause in Oromo in the light of Minimalist Program (MP)

