Practices and Major Challenges of Non Formal Adult Basic Education: in Reference to First Cycle Program Two Sub-Cities in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The pWjJose of the study was to investigate the practices and challenges of non formal
adult basic education first cycle program given by city government of Addis Abeba
Education Bureau. For the study, two sub cities Bole and Yeka were selected using
pWjJosive sampling method. These two sub-cities were selected because they had a large
number of learners, facilitators and educational centers in this academic year 2002. Ten
centers from the two sub-cities (five from each) and six Kebeles (three ji-om each) were
selected using purposive sampling method. A total of 81 respondents participated as a
source of dota. 38 adult facilitators, 6 Non Formal Education supel'visors at Kebles, 35
adult learners, one Non Normal Education expert from Addis Ababa Education Bureau,
and one Non Formal Education coordinator from Bole sub city were chosen for the
study. The data gathering instruments were questionnaire, interview and observation.
The questionnaire was given to facilitators and supervisors. The expert, the coordinator
and learners were interviewed by the researcher. Observation guideline was prepared
and used as a data gathering tools. The actual classroom teaching learning process, the
conduciveness of the instructional sellings, and availability of educational support inputs
were the major areas of the observation. The major findings were all coments were not
relevant to adult learners, facilitators did not use variety of assessment tools and
different lIIelhod of instructions, there were shortage of curriculum materials and
instructional media in the cenlers, Facilitators did not get enough payment; there were
no re5jJonsibie body at centers, The instructional sell ings were conducive yet there were
light problem in the classrooms and so on. Based on these findings the following
recommendations were forwarded. AAEB and MoE work joimly to revise and distribute
texl books sufficiently, AAEB should give priority to fuljill curriculum materials in
centers, the government has to allot financial support in the implementation of the
program, AAEB should give continuous training to facilitators which is related to
facilitating adults were some of the recommendations.