An Assessment of the Practice s of the Implementation of Active Learning in Combined Arms Academy
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Addis Ababa University
The main plllpose of this study was to assess the practices of the implementation of the active learning
approaches in the combined arms academy. In order to meet the obj ectives of the study, a descriptive
survey design was employed. Twenty-two (22) teachers and 51 students were selected using availability
sampling technique for this study. Three commandants of the academy were also selected using
availability sampling. Questionnaires, interview and observation checklists were used for collecting data.
Frequency distributions, percel1lages distributive statistics were used to analysis the quantitative data.
The data obtained through open-ended of questions of the questionnaires and the il1lerviews were
qualitatively analyzed to supplement the quantitative dala. Observation was conducted to supplemel1l the
data obtained through questionnaires and the interview. Lecture method was found 10 be the maM
commonly employed method ofteachingfollowed by group discussion, problem solving and co-operative
learning methods. Shortage of lime 10 p raclice active learning in classroom and designing module were
rated as the most serious problems among the fac tors that hindered the implementation of active
learning. It has been recommended that creating awareness, continuolls and intensive shorl-term and
long term tra ining should be offered for teachers to over come th e cha/fenges of implementation qf active
learning. Besides, 10 solve the factors that hider the proper implementation of the practice. the training
main department and academy commandants should creale conducive environments Ihal help teachers '
sufficien t preparation and work time and provision of design of the modules and resources to implement
active learning methods in their class.
Practice s of the Implementation of Active Learning