The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Marginalization and Students’ Academic Achievement, The Case of Manjosocial Group in Kafa Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between socio economic
marginalization and students’ academic achievement, the case of Manjo students in kefa
zone. (South Western Ethiopia) In this study, students from Manjo cultural group and the
mainstream Kefa, teachers and school directors, education experts, community leaders and
coordinators of Nongovernmental organizations have participated. Student roaster is another
source of data for the study. The methods used in this study is ethnographic. Quantitative data
is also used only where it is necessary. Socio economic Scale, interview, and document
analysis were the instruments used for data collection. The findings of the study indicated
that Manjo families have low socio economic status the bi-variate analysis has indicated that
Manjo students’ low academic achievement is strongly correlated with their socio economic
marginalization. According to the findings, Manjo students with bright mined are at
disappointment because of social exclusion and economic marginalization. As a result, their
academic achievement in all levels of schooling is by far behind Non-Manjo students.
Parent’s educational background, occupation of parents, type of house, monthly per capita
income, study hour and family support are the major factors influencing Manjo students’
academic achievement. The recommendation includes Economic Empowerment of Manjo
cultural group, Educating and mobilizing the society against discriminatory attitudes and
practices, encouraging the participation of Manjo in social, economic and political life, and
providing training for teachers, principals and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) on how to
handle students with diverse cultural background etc
Keywords: Socio economic, marginalization, achievement, Inclusion
Socio economic, marginalization, achievement, Inclusion