Pattern of normal and Accessory Fissures of the Lung; Evaluation with High Resolution Computed Tomography in Patients Attending Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Abeba University
Objective: To determine morphological variations of major and minor fissures, to assess frequency of
accessory fissures as well as incomplete major and minor fissures in patients attending at Tikur Anbesa
Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa.
Methods: This is an institutional based cross sectional prospective observational study where a total of
1020 patients whose Chest CT images have no lung pathology included in the study group for evaluation.
Then an assessment of the chest CT images on multiplanar reconstructions done to determine frequency
of accessory fissures and incomplete major and minor fissures in both lungs.
Results: Out of 1020 patients who have no any lung abnormality on CT images selected within the study
period 2% of them have absent right minor fissure making bilobed right lung. The most common
accessory fissure in the right lung was inferior accessory fissure comprising 10% of the study group.
Azygos fissure happened to occur in 12 patients (1.2%) of the sample under study. On the left lung the
most common accessory fissure was the left minor fissure which accounted for 3.5% of the included
study group making trilobed left lung. The major fissures on both sides have significant amount of
incompleteness making 45% and 32% on the right and left sides respectively. Classic three right and two
left lung lobes with complete major and minor fissures and no accessory fissure is found in only 418
subjects (41%).
Conclusion: Variations of lung fissures assessed based on chest CT with multiplanar reconstructions
showed no significant deviation from other studies done on large sample size. The degree of
incompleteness of the fissures and percentage of accessory fissures are more common on the right lung
than the left lung. The uppermost extent of the left major fissure was always higher than the right lung
major fissure invariably.
Fissures,patients, Lung