An Investiga Non Into The English Language Needs Of Hotel And Toursim Management Students: Haw Assa University In Focus
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The main aim of Ihis sludy was 10 ill1'esligale Ihe English language needs of Holel and Tourism
Managemenr sludenls wilh espeeial(oeus on H01I'OSSO Universily wilh Ihe view of giving on inplIf
/0 1' designing an appropriale English course, To achieve Ihis, queslionnaires were designed and
dislribured 10 sludenls, subjecI orca Icochers, English leachers, Graduales of Hotel and Tourism
Managem enl and Employ cr. Inlerriell 's lI'ere conducled wilh English Language Inslmclors and
subjecI area Inslmclors, A10rcU\'er, Ihe exisling English co urse malerialwas also analyzed
The res ull of Ihe sludy indicalcd Ihal sll/delllS necd 10 lislen 10 course leclures, lislen 10 elms
discussioll. lis len 10 inslrllclors '1ueslions, read leclure noles, read reference books,' read
sUllllnaries, charrs & rabies, lITiling dOll'n nOles from leelllres, wrile nOles from books, lITilC
dieralion, lITile course assignmclIf, ask and answer quesliollS, parlicipale in class discussioll,
parlicipalc in dialogue and presenl oral rcpor/. Therefore, all Ihe language skills are needed \l'ilh
relalively more emphasis on speaking, lislening and reading.
In occupalional selling, Ihe graduales (employees) need 10 lislen 10 meelings, seminars and
conference: lislen 10 cuSlomers inquires, lislen 10 managers explanalions on Hole! facililies,
lislen 10 fo reig ners, read regulalions and rules o/Ihe organizalions, read articles, journals (Ind
lIell'S paper, read work Ibusiness reporr, wrile sales or daily reporl, write reporl on \l'ork
performance, describe and explain menus for foreigners, speak 10 customers, Here, all Ihe
language skills are imparl anI wilh relmive emphasis 10 reading, lislening and speaking.
The sludy has also idenli(ied Ihal Ihe sludenls have difJicu/ries in lI'rilingjield reporl, presellfing
oralrepon, wriling answer 10 essay Iype exams, presenling projecl reporl, parlicipaling in class
discussing, laking leclure noles, asking and ons\l'ering queslions. Relolively, Ihe sludellfs are
beller in receplive skills Ihan produclive skill, Similarly, Ihe gradllales have difjiclillies in lITiling
reporl in sales or progress reporr, wriling office memos, budgel informalion, presenling oral
reporr, asking and answering during meeling, lislening 10 video and lislening 10 discussions 01
meel ings,
The(inding o/ Ihe sludy has indicoled Ihere is a subslanlial gap bel ween Ihe Hale! and '/'our islll
Monogemel1f sludel1fs English language needs and Ihe Cllrrenl English co llrse offered ill Ihe
ThllS, il has hcell recommended Ihol ,n,lIo!>lIs designers and maleriol developers need 10 desigll
all oppropriole El1glish ,Iyllab/ls and CO/lrse mOlerials for /-fo lel and TO/lrism Mwwgclllenl
sludenls cOJlsideriJlg Ihe sl/ldenls ' English lang /lage needs(or academic and occ/lpaliol1 purpose,
alld English lang/lage dif(iclliries.
The main aim of Ihis sludy was 10 ill1'esligale Ihe English language needs of Holel