Assessment Of The Effects Of Road Geometric Design Consistency On Traffic Safety: The Case Study From Wolayita Soddo To Allaba Town
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The goal of transportation is generally stated as the safe and efficient movement of
people and goods. To achieve this goal, designers use many tools and techniques. One
technique used to improve safety on roadways is to examine the consistency of the
design. In this study, road geometric design Consistencies were studied using operating
speed and Vehicle stability techniques at 50 curves using as built data and operating
speeds at each curves. In Addition to these data 328 accidents were collected in 12
sections of the road for five consecutive years to identify how and to which extent they
affect traffic safety. The relationship between traffic accident rate and road geometric
design consistency was examined through revealing the results of studies made in
different Sections. As a research objective, this study has evolved to find the correlation
between accident rate and road geometric constituents in selected Sections of road
specific to Allaba to Wolayita Soddo Segments through examining the feasibility of
single and multiple linear regression analysis over the indicated variables. Accordingly,
ten crash locations with frequent crash occurrences have been determined and
Inconsistent Sections were identified. Then the accident rates of these subsections were
determined. Next, the values of geometric parameters about these sections were obtained
from as-built road design outputs. Finally, a regression analysis was made between the
selected geometric parameters and accident rates. At the end of the study, significant
relationships were found between some geometric design parameters and Accident Rate
Traffic safety, Road geometry Design consistency, Accident Rate, As-built data