Water sensitive urban design for environmnetal quality Improvement of rivers in addis ababa: the case of finicha River
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Tesfaye, Mahlet
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Addis Ababauniversity
Nearly all urban areas developed on riverbanks. For centuries, people have settled along rivers for
the purpose of irrigation, transportation, water supply, etc. Rivers are also important source of food
for people settled close to their banks. Intensive usages of rivers by human beings for the
aforementioned purposes have resulted in the loss of aquatic fauna and flora. This is true for
Ethiopia as well. Specially, in Addis Ababa, rivers and riversides are neglected places where solid
and liquid wastes are dumped. Additionally, it is also a place for legal and illegal settlers. For this
reason, the riparian areas along the city’s rivers were shrinking in size, and there are no greenways
along the city’s Rivers. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to develop design strategies by
testing on a specific site.
In order to achieve the objective, cross-sectional study method is selected. This method is chosen
because it examines one specific site, while several outcomes are expected at the same time. In
addition, study area was selected based on location, land use, exposure to flood and river pollution
using purposive sampling techniques.
During the study, it is found that the factors for shrinking of the riparian zones of case area are
population growth; settlements along the riverbanks; waste dumping site; lack of awareness and
coordination as well as inadequate manpower. Furthermore, the factors that increase flood damage
and river pollution of the study area are absence of Stormwater Management Practices (SMPs); due
to lack of coordination among different concerned Institutions such as AAEPA, MUDC,
CBGB,OAAOSZIDP as well as disposal of solid and liquid wastes around the river. There are no
greenways along the river. For these reasons, Finicha River is not suitable for the community of the
study area.
Therefore, the concerned bodies should take appropriate action as soon as possible. There should be
coordination among the concerned sectors. In addition, SMPs should be incorporated into built
environments such as buildings, road, parking areas and open spaces. Site-specific design solutions
should be provided with a view to having urban river spaces that are accessible, attractive and
environmentally sound
Environmnetal quality improvement