An Assessment of NGOs' Led Basic Primary Education Projects Implementation in Pastoralist Areas of Oromia: the Case of Borena Zone
dc.contributor.advisor | Oumer, Jeilu (PhD) | | | Wata, Chala | | | 2018-06-27T13:04:48Z | | | 2023-11-05T08:53:59Z | | | 2018-06-27T13:04:48Z | | | 2023-11-05T08:53:59Z | | | 2010-06 | |
dc.description.abstract | The pUlpose of this study was to assess the implemenlation and Sllstainabilily of basic primGlJ' education projects fully run in pastoralist Borena. The specific objeclives of Ihe study were to assess the aspecls and extent ol NCOs' involvement in educational provision to pastoralisls, discover how NCOs' plan for project implemenlation, find out Ihe extent of their contribution 10 local educational development, out sur(Cice mechanisms in place for the implementation and sustainability of projects, and to take in challenges so as 10 forward alternative solutions. The research method employed was descriptive survey 10 colleel data ji-om 108 respondenls who were 20 education experts at zone and woreda level, 20 NCOs' staff, 20 facilitato rs, 48 students, KETB and CMC members, and parents using tools such as questionnaires, interview, focus group discussion, documenl analysis and checklisls. Accordingly, pilot test was made; dOlo were collecled, analyzed and reporled Analysis of dala was underlaken using lobulation, percentile distribution, mean and slandard devialion, Independent I lesl, one way ANOVA, one sample Kolmogorov-Simrnov Z test, Mann-Whitney U test and rank order. Thefinding of the study pointed out thai NCOs' inlervenlion in paslO/'alist areas had been achieved insignificanl outpuls. Specifically, Iheir capacily to generale own source offill7d and to run projecls as planned; Ihe ir aspects and extent a/involvement," cooperation and communication with local government bodies, other NCOs ', and beneficiaries; contribution to local education development; and Ihe lise of mechanisms to implement and sustain projects remained low. These difficulties impeded the success and excellence of Ihe projecl implementation and sustainability. Subsequently, il was concluded Ihat Ihe implementation and sustainabililY of pastoralist basic primGl)' educalion projects led by NCOs' was noticed to be low. Thus, il was recommended that national and regional governmenl should prepare ferlile ground and pave the way for NCOs to be highly involved in pasloralisl educalion; pastoralist education forum should be established 01 regional, zonal, woreda and kebele level; beneficiaries must be involved in planning, monitoring, and evaluating project implementation; Allernalive Pl'imcllY Education (APE) delivelY approach need to be devised; and NGOs' ought to improve their aspects and extenl of involvemenl in educational provision as lVell as the use of different viable and locally responsive slralegies like Ihe flexible and val)'ing educalion delivel)' models, time lable; use locally available resources; and enhancing local initiatives and crealivily Ihal could contribule a lot to ensure the success of basic primQl)' education project implementalion and suslainabilily in pastO/'alisl areas | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Education | en_US |
dc.title | An Assessment of NGOs' Led Basic Primary Education Projects Implementation in Pastoralist Areas of Oromia: the Case of Borena Zone | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |