Socio- Economic Effects of Migration: The Case of two Kebeles in Soro Woreda of Hadiya Zone in SNNPR State of Ethiopia
dc.contributor.advisor | Hadaro, Filmon (PhD) | | | Ansebo, Tadesse | | | 2018-09-25T07:14:42Z | | | 2023-11-18T09:25:40Z | | | 2018-09-25T07:14:42Z | | | 2023-11-18T09:25:40Z | | | 2012-06 | |
dc.description.abstract | Ihe ohjective ri/this stll<0' II us to IIllderstand the economic and social elfects (!lout-migration in the cuse of So/'() lI'()reda, I/adiya LOlle, SNNI'R (South Nation Nationalities and Peoples lIegiolla/) state. Ihe stlldyji)clIsed on the economic and social impact of out-migration to RSA and MIX's ji'()/'II the Woreda selected kebeles. The alit flow (if migration was linked with the emerging socio-ecollo/'llic costs ill the stlldy area. 'lhe study substantiated evidence on the economic activities of migrcfI7t households and retllmee migrants and tracked the impacts of remittallce illcomes on the local ecr)(lomic enterprising the dynamics in remillance money is also linked to the sociol re.lpect and the costs of travel to the destination. Diverse migration theories were cOllsidered to in/iJ/'lJl this analysis. Primm), and secomlOl)l data Ivere collected from organizations, migrant and non-migrant hOllseholdl' hy IIsing mixed research /'IIethod the organized evidence was analyzed and inteljJreted lI?e 1'';.1'1111 of the analysis has shown that ollt-migration has both positive and Ilegative impacts Oil the migrant and those memhers behind lhe positive impacts (jf outmigration are improvement ill household consllmption, investment, employment generation, asset formatiou, trclII.~jiJ/·l11atioilji,()/17 /'llralto IIrban way of life. The negative impacts (jfmigration are the p/'()c/llctive lahor shortage, family separation, work load on females, marriage IInfaithfidness and depellde1lcJ' .1)llld/'O/J1e in the same commllnity incillding stretched cost of travel. Ihe stll<0' cOIlc/lldes lI'ith 'he ecol7omic alld social e.ljects (jf ont-migration il1 ,he study area. Improvemellt ill cOl/sllmptioll level of migrclI7t hOllseholds, Asset formation, entelprising in the local ecollolllY alld to IIrhall life is positive. the separation of households, workload onfemales alld marriage III/fai thflliness are negative conseqllences. The study recommends that there are policy concel'lls in challnelill/! these resollrces and entelprising at one hand and looking to social proh/ems on 'he other hand. Keywords:Enterprising, Middle East COlin tries, Ollt-migration Remittances, SOl'O Woreda, SOllth A/rica | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.publisher | Addis Ababa University | en_US |
dc.subject | Enterprising | en_US |
dc.title | Socio- Economic Effects of Migration: The Case of two Kebeles in Soro Woreda of Hadiya Zone in SNNPR State of Ethiopia | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |