Challenges of tourism development in the out-skirt sites of Aksum town
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Addis Ababa University
Aksum is well known for its historical, archeological as well as religious tourist sites. However,
the current tourism activities are concentrated in the city center. This study focuses on the
challenges of tourism development in the outskirt sites of Aksum town specifically on the selected
seven tourist sites. The study has covered tourist sites that are found in between 5-15 kms. Both
qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data. The subjects of this study were
tourists (local and international), tour guides, Aksum Cluster tourism Office and church officials
(site mangers). Sample respondents (n=107) were drawn by using purposive sampling technique
from domestic tourists (n=37), international tourists (n=32) and tourist guides who work in and
around Aksum (n=38). Similarly, for the qualitative data gathering purposive sampling technique
was used to select respondents from the Aksum culture and tourism office and church officials (site
managers). Questionnaire was used as the main data a gathering tool. Besides, interviews and
utilized secondary data sources like various books, magazines, annual reports, articles, journals,
and internet sources to strengthen the data collection effectively. The collected data were analyzed
both qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative data were analyzed and presented by using
tables, frequencies and percentages and interpretations were given accordingly. In addition, for
the qualitative method the researcher has used SPSS Version 20. Qualitative data were analyzed
thematically based on the principal issues (themes) under discussion. As the findings of this study
reveal, the problems which hinder the development of tourism in the outskirt sites of Aksum town
are poor infrastructural development, poor promotional activities, poor government involvement,
and absence of guiding books, lack of strong relation and coordination between different
stakeholders. Based on the research findings conclusion and recommendations were given.