The Role of Corporate Communication in Solving Customer Service Problems in the Case of Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation

dc.contributor.advisorVeen, prof. (Ton)
dc.contributor.authorAyalew, Geremew
dc.description.abstractThis study was fill attempt to analyze the role of corporate communication ill solving customer service problems in the case of Ethiopian telecoml11unication Corporation. Corporate comllluni cat ion, as an instrument of management, has the task to harmonize all the consc iously used forms of internal and external commun ication , inc lud ing the ir stakcholders Van Riel (199 5: 3). Corporate communication connects corporate governance, communication and soc ial integration and 111- , eludes in ternalcommunicat ion, public relations and market com munication Zcrfa (2004: 46). According to Zerfa (2004: 46) modc rn corporate management demands a two-way and strategica lly planned communication based on most advantageous usc of all tools and functions of internal and external comlllunication oC the company. Therefo re, ill this paper the resea rcher tried to al1H lyzc the ro le of corporate communicat ion in so lving cllstomer service prob lems, in the case of Ethiopian Telecommunication. The goal of this study is to pro pose a solution 1'01' the main customcr service problems, and to definc at what extent the corporate comllluni cation so lves the problellls that may happen in customer's service on th e case orthc Eth io pian Tclecom munieation Corporation. The findings indicated thai the corporate cOlllmunication has a remarkable functions in the overal l acti·· ya tes find ror tile sliccess or policy and strateg ies or the company. Moreover, the Policy, stnllegy and the perforll1ance of the organization are align with co rporate communication activ ities like in reputat ion, ident ity, Slake holders relation and co rporate social responsibiliti es, .. Howevcr the finding also revi led that Ethi Te lecom Corpo rate communication has short or of us ing pl\)perly those opportunities thaL occ urred in dirrerent sClling in the company. Also thcre is a scarce of tv.'o- way cOlTllll uni ca tion with stakeholders. This resea rch concluded based on the findi ngs orthe study. In the end, recoml1lendat ion is rorward ccl that the rescarc her think,; to be helprul for the success of corpora te communication activitics in the Telecommute Company aswellas countrywide.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectCustomer Service Problemsen_US
dc.titleThe Role of Corporate Communication in Solving Customer Service Problems in the Case of Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporationen_US


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