An Assesment of School Development Planning Process in Secondary Sciiools of East Arsi Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of the study was to undertake an assessment of school development
'planning process in secondary schools of East Arsi zone in order to identifj, Ihe slrenglhs
and weakness Ihen to provide allernalive recommendalions 10 Ihe idenlified prohlellls. To
Ihis end. answers to the basic queslions perlaining to the performance of Ihe key
opera lions of planning cycle of SDP. swke holders ' involvement. illlplemenlCllion slmleg\'
and monitoring and evalualion mechanism. and potential challenges encounlered in SI)P
process were sought in the study. A descriptive survey method of research was IIsed ill Ihc
sludy. Pwposive and simple randolll sampling techniques were used in th e study. The
subjecls of Ihe swdy were 43 school leaders. 87 teachers. 32 studenls. 18 PTA melllbers
alld 12 WED experts of planning and statistics frolll 6 sample woredas Ollt of 24 10101
\Voredas and 1 town administration. The data that collected through queslioll/lllire.
illlerview and document analysis were analyzed. interpreted and reported. The collecled
daw were analyzed using percelllage. lIIean scores. weigh led lIIean vailies IIlId chi-sqllare
lest. The fill ding of this study indicated that the extent to which the schools llelfo rllled ke\'
operations of planning cycle slIch as school review. designing. implemelllmion and
('mlumioll was fOlllld 10 be good. which illlplies good beginning ill Ihe praclices o/SI)P
process ill secolldrllY schools of Ihe zone. However. the pareills and comlllunill'
involvelllent in SDP'pl'ocess and ulilizatioll 0/ data collection illSlrllm ents' wils repon ed
as low. Moreover. lack 0/ sllfficient alld conlinuolls training in the planlling process. 10lv
commitlllellt 0/ school leaders and teachers. shorrage of materials and equiplllenls. low
professional sllpport and control. weak eXlemal cluster network. lack of collahoralive
working and over lapping 0/ programs are the major challenges conslraining the sllccess
0/ SDP process. Based on the major findings conclusion were drawn as ;Ihe eXlent 10
which schools pelformed key operalions of planning cycle was fOllnd to be good. weak
involvemelll of parents and commllnily in SDP process. in sllfficient trailling in Ihe
planning process and Ihere were various problems Ihal conSlrainlS schools ill Ihe process
0/ SDp. Therefore. il is recolllmenried Ihlll pro\'idillg suslaillable Imill ing 10 iml'rol'c Ihe
capacily of school leaders. teachers ami parell/s. improving Ihe involvemelll of p"relllS
alld conllllllllily. lIIotivaling alld ellcoumgillg Ihe teachers ami leaders so liS 10 illlprOl'e
Iheir r01ll 1lli11llC1I1 alld rCl'ortillg Ihe performollce of fhe school 10 parell/s. COlIl/lll1l1i/l' IIlltl
cUllcerncc/ o.Uic('s ill order /0 illlprO\'C rheir sellse o/he/ollg illgness and SlIl)l'or/ u.{.'}'c/iou/.
School Development Planning Process