Electron Scattering in Graphene by Electric and Magnetic Dipole
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Addis Ababa University
The two-dimensional form of graphite (graphene) has been obtained only very re-
cently, and immediately attracted great deal of attention. Electrons in graphene,
obeying linear dispersion relation, behave like massless relativistic particles. It is be-
lieved that graphene can replace silicon in electronics world. But the biggest obstacle
is that graphene itself does not have a band gap. This property makes graphene
always conducting and conduction can not be completely turned o . One of the
most challenging task is to learn how to control the electron behavior using electric
elds in this two-dimensional layer. In this work we wanted to learn (and to propose
mechanisms) "How to control the electron motion in graphene using magnetic dipole
and electric dipole?". The second idea was to investigate if it is possible to use mag-
netic elds of large suspended nanomagnet to open a gap in the energy spectrum of
The elastic electron scattering by impurities with electric and magnetic dipoles in
graphene is studied with the help of Born approximation. Both types of scatterers
give the nonzero cross section of backscattering. The scattering by the impurities with
electric dipoles is more efcient even comparing to the scattering by the nanomagnets
with anomalous magnetic moments. A comparison of the electron scattering transport
cross sections by charged impurities and impurities with electric dipole moments
shows that they can be comparable. The scattering by the impurities electric dipoles
can be important in limiting the electron mobility in graphene along with the Coulomb
The elastic electron scattering by a nonuniform magnetic eld of a remote nano-
magnets in the graphene is also considered with the help of the modied Born ap-
proximation. The nanomagnets are modeled by point like magnetic dipoles oriented
transversally and parallel to the graphene plane. They can form rather high magnetic
elds without any damage of the graphene plane. The electron scattering cross sections
are obtained in the closed form and analyzed numerically. It is shown that this mech-
anism of scattering has nonzero backscattering cross section and can considerably
a ect the graphene conductivity
Electric and Magnetic Dipole