A study on Audience Satisfaction with 'Mijuu Dilbataa' Program of Oromia Television Jiregna Fayera

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Addis Ababa University


The central focus of th is study was to in vesti gate the sati sfaction and/or di ssati sfact ion of audi ences with 'Mijuu Di lbataa' program of Oromia Television. The study attempted to see the extent to whi ch the program gratify the viewers or not, reasons why audiences watch the program and which sections of the program audiences watch most and least. In the li teratu re rev iew, various literatures that have a connection with audience satisfact ion and television were reviewed . Accord ingly, uses and gratificat ions theory was used as a theoretical framework to this particular theme . . The research methods utilized in this study were both quantitative and quali tative. The study, by using questionnaires and individual sem i-structured interview, tried to examine the level of the respondent's satisfact ion/dissatisfaction in relation to the program. The respondents were selected purposely to find out the real viewers of the program; hence, a total of 142 viewers in Adama town parti cipated in the study The findin gs of the study demonstrated that the audiences watch 'Mijuu Dilbataa' program for vario us reasons. The overwhelming majority of the respondents watch the program sections as a habit and to pass time. The study also revealed that the overall audience satisfact ion with 'Mijuu Dilbata' program was very low, implying that the program has lim itations in address ing the needs and in terests of its audi ence. Specificall y, the program has gotten the fo llowing shortcom ings; mainly, poor editing and presentation style, extreme repet ition of program sections, absence of excellen t, competent and talented profess ionals. The study conc ludes that ' Mijuu Dil bataa' program sections are not sati s fying the needs of its audi ences; and hence, the program sections are not fu ll y in a position of fulfilling the desires and needs of its aud ience. , Based on the findings, the study forwarded recommend ations on how to improve the program to gratify the audiences.



Mijuu Dilbataa' Program, Oromia Television
