Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy Under Emperor Haile Selassie I: An Appraisal.

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Abota, Arka

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Addis Ababa University


Ethiopia stands one of the oldest countries in international relations. Nevertheless, its foreign relations began to take modern shape under Haile Selassie I. It is during his period that permanent representations have begun and diplomatic missions were opened in many countries. Haile Selassie oversaw Ethiopia’s early participation in international relations. In this respect he became an international figure. It is thus, the purpose of this study is to appraise Ethiopia’s foreign policy under the Emperor Haile Selassie I. The study employed a neo-classical theory as its instruments of analysis. In light of this foreign policy of Ethiopia under the Emperor is apprised and the internal and external factors that affected the country’s foreign relations analyzed. For the purpose the available published and unpublished documents are used. Furthermore people with knowledge of the time are interviewed and recorded. The role the Emperor played in foreign policy formulations is analyzed and his personal diplomacy is evaluated. In this connection, the study underlined how personal domination in foreign policy by the Emperor has stagnated the dynamism of the foreign policy making bodies and institutions in the country. Finally, the study appraised the weaknesses and strength of Ethiopia’s foreign policy under the period. The study is believed to be a new input, since there has been no book-length study of Ethiopian foreign policy under the Emperor (Clapham, 1999:99)



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