The Experience of Child Loss and Childbearing in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Child IIIOr/ality aggravale bllrden all mOlhers ill difTerell1 II'UI'S. AII/()II,~ Ihis Ihe
sillds (iICII.I'('(1 Oil ils e[Tecl all illcreasillg Iheir life lime pregllall c\' 10 reploCi' Iheir los I child alld
SO/lle (~r Ihem lIIigllf fcar in losing the aile Ihal Ivas replaced and decide ill giving lorge !lilli/her (~r
hirlhs /() he secl/red. To examine this effeci of child loss e.rperiel1ce on fertility. (')1('1" l/JulTied
«'lIwles 0/ U'I'mdIlClil'e age Ivilll aileasl one childbearillg experience were seleCledli(}l1l fDHS
:}()()5. Firsl chi-sqllare was used 10 rest the associalioll of demographic. /JehOl 'ioro/ ond
WI' io('colllilllil' I'((riu"'es Ivilh fer/ilily measured by CB or CEB. Melhods like Brass PIF r{({io and
di!lL'relll Bi'l'{(riules lI 'ere implemellied 10 compare Ihe fer/ilily of mOlhers lI'ilh child loss
('xIJ(:'riel7c(! (lnd Ivilh I/O experience. In addilion to this bil101J logistic alld COIlIlI dow /IIodel
Poisso// /"egr('ss/{J/'/ Il'ere implemented 10 exol11ine fhe socioeconomic. IJe//{[\'io/'(// ol1d
demographic deleUllill{lIlls of child loss and fer/ilily in Dhiopia. More ol'er Ihe sllldv cleorl.\'
sh(iII'ed Ii/(' di!lnelliial in child loss andfer/ililY by IIrball alld rural residences Il'ilh respeu /() Ihe
"elermillalll.l. The silldy IIsed Iwo slalislical sofllmre 's SPSS and STATA f{Jr anal."sis.
A 2.7 ill crease ill TFR for mOlhers wilh Ihe experience was obwined by IIsing Brass PIF ralio.
This implies I/WI child loss experience had a big share in increasing Ihe TFR of mOlhcrs. The
reSlll1 of Ihe hivari([{e analysis showed Ihal an increase in Ihe level of child mOr/alils had impoci
ill illcreas il1,~ Ihe level of fer/ilily which was measured by CEB. The poison regressioll model
illdiu({ed Ihal child loss experiellce, religion, age o/molher, marilal duralioll, ploce of residellce,
,-\ FM, A FB, dllmlioil of iJreaslfeeding, 1II0lher's educaTion and tvpe of comraceplil'{' lIIelhod ore
illl/IOr/ani delerlllillWi/S of ferlility of 1II0lhers. Similarly l17uilivarici/e·logislic regressioil lIIodei
/"('l'('(//ec/ Ih(/I ('.rfJos lfre 10 m,edia, place of residence, region of residence, se.\" (~r child lvillt
( P«J.()5), lIIoriwl dllrUliol1, AFM, age of mOlher, durO/ioll of breaslfeeding, 11'IIr/i .llulllS (flld
"d(((,{lIiOIl of IIWlher.1 Ivilll (P<O.OOI) fOllnd 10 have a signij/canl et(eci all 11100hers npcrience of
IInderlil'e child loss.
The resilli clear/.\' illdicales child morlClfiry affixis Ihefer/ilirv o(flfOlhers, and Ihe e!lrJrllo redllce
In lifill' olld child IlIo r{((lily ill Elhiopia will be Fuilful if grealer emphasis is ,~il'ell 10 Iheir
'-()('f(Je('() //()II /1(", hell{/I 'io/"o/ and demographic Jetermil1o/1l s. More over il itJ{hc(I{('s f/tOI mlfch
('{rol"! is neet/ed If) redllce/enililY ill ruro/ Elhiopia.
Child Loss and Childbearing