Overcoming Marginalization: The Case Of The Fuga In Kembata, Southern Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The "Fuga" is one of the most marginalized communities in Ethiopia, with deep experiences ofmultidimensional deprivation and social exclusion. In spite of this painful reality of thecommunity’s past, certain remedial and developmental initiatives and interventions have beenunder way since recently. Recognizing the importance of producing research-based knowledgeabout efforts, this study was conducted with the primary goal of exploring community efforts toovercome marginalization. The study followed ethnographic methods, techniques, andprocedures. Particularly, the purposive sampling technique was helpful to select participantsamong the "Fuga" and "Wumano" communities based on the resources, knowledge, and firsthand experiences they have on the subject. And the study used observation, in-depth interviews,and informal conversations as data gathering techniques. The findings indicate that, despite thefact that marginalization is still persisting, there have been plenty of positive changes in the"Funga’s" interrelationships with the "Wumano" community and in the political, social, andeconomic lives of the "Fuga" community, changes brought about by interventions and efforts implemented by the community itself and other external actors. Such changes are connectedtoincreased access to education, the growth of material culture, and the expansion of localconstruction. The ways the "Fugas" interact with dominant communities currently reflect thelevel of the community’s empowerment. "Fuga’s" practice of good hygiene, eating clean food,and engagement in friendly social interactions with their neighbors are new ways adapted by the"Fugas." Unlike in the past, a "Fuga" is an active participant in education, community health,economy, politics/elections, employment, and land use currently. Nonetheless, the "Fuga’slonging for social development has limitations, challenges, and problems: Inter alia, thecommunity’s integration with the general society is still shallow; and in addition to thesociocultural, political, and economic concerns still apparent, the "Fuga" individual is stillresistant to change. Consequently, overcoming marginalization with the existing structures ishard, and new and innovative approaches have to be designed by government and non-government actors to ensure lasting social integration and community development for the Fuga.
Keywords: Marginalization, overcoming, interventions, efforts, social integration,
community development
Marginalization, overcoming, interventions, efforts, social integration, community development