Exploring the Features and Facilities CDS/ISIS for Windows as Compared to Its Dos Version and Other Text Retrieval Software

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Addis Ababa University


Micro-CDS/lSIS, suitable for storage retrieval of structured textual data, has been developed and is distributed by UNESCO free of charge to non-profit making organizations. The first version was released for public use ill December 1985. Since then UNESCO has released different versions adding some new facilities and fixing bugs observed and reported by users all over the world. In addition to the different releases, different application programs have been developed by UNESCO and other users to augment and enhance the functionality of the standard releases of the package. Subsequently, taking into consideration the increasing popularity of Microsoft Windows as an operating system for micros, UNESCO has re leased a Beta version of CDS/ISIS for Windows operating system, cal led WINISIS, in July 1996. Since then different test versions have been released. Taking Micro-CDS/ISIS, which is the widely used text retrieval package in developing countries, and WINISIS, which is most likely to follow the suit, this study compared and contrasted them using features and facilities which are common to most text retrieval packages. The study is based on the May 1997 version, which is the pre-release of WlNISIS 1. 0, obtained by courtesy of the UNESCO CDS/ISlS Developers Team. In addition, this study enlisted all the new facilities provided by WlNISIS, and recommended areas of application of the software, and identified areas for further improvements.



Information Science
