Determinants of Family Planning Non-Use and Unmet Need in Urban Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa Univerisity


This study focuses on the socio-economic and demographic determinants of contraceptive non-use in urban Ethiopia using data collected in the 1990 National Family and Fertility Survey conducted by the Central Statistical Authority (CSA). The survey collected information from a total of 2,844 urban resident women of reproductive age. Both bi-variate and multi-variate statistical techniques were usedfor data analysis using socio-economic and demographic background variables. The relative imponance of the explanatory background variables was examined by using the logistic regression modeL Unmet need and contraceptive non-use are treated as dichotomous dependant variables in the model. The res lilts of [he Qllal.'"sis sholl' [hw Ol'er 93 percent (~r [h ese WOlllell kilO,,' w ieas[ one lIIe[hod of fa lllily planning, bll[ only 27.3 percent had el 'er used a lIIe1hod. Among [he reasons for [il I' non -lise }iii' jillll i Ir plllnn i ng. sl<le elfe. !S (/ I:<i/ill(/ Iis[ic a [Ii lillies W" II rds falllily planning pia.'" dOll/inalll role. L'I/Ine[ lIeed F,r jillnif.'" planning swod w 35.5 percelll 0/ which 11.5 percel/l ""(IS jilr spacing pll rposes ,,.hile :'4 peTcen[ was fo r lill/iting Ihe nllm ber of births. The £owl demand for fa ll/ il.'" planning in urban Ethiopia in 1990 was 59.7 pereel1l of which only 40 pereel1l " 'as s(l[isjied. VII The nwnher of sltlTil'ing children ond ideal jUlI/ii' sl:e ure jound ((J he the II/ ost important determinants oj ul/met need j or jamilv planning in urhan Ethiopia. Unmet need for family planning was strongly related with the number of surviving children, while its relationship with place of childhood residence. religion, employment status and contraceptive knowledge was not statistically significant. Nevertheless. it indicates that the relatively less educated. and those with rural origin are the needy ones for family planning services. The study concludes by suggesting that making concerted effort to moti~ people through effective family planning information, education and communica/icn, making family planning services accessible. affortklble and safe and integrating family planning services with other development activities will increase the level of contraceptive prevalence rate. It jurther suggests the need for a more detailed research, anthropological in natu re. in order {() understand the S()cio -culturai determinants of ItllInef need and co ntraceptive lIOn-use ill urban Ethiopia.



Family Planning
