The Status and Challenges of Achieving Universal Primary Education (Upe) in Traditional Gold-Mining Bert A Community of Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
Ihe main purpose of this study was to examine the status and challenges of achieving UPlc' in
traditional gold-mining of Berta community of /Jenishangul-Gumuz Regional stale: the case of
Herta community children, jiJcusing on identifying the major challenges that impede
eduutional participation of Herta children and proposing possible inlervention strategiesjin'
policy makers and planners and other stakeholders to enhance primwy education participalion
.Filh quality education in traditional gold mining areas of 13GRS /() achieve this, a descriptive
survey method was employed in the sludy. Ii) this end, data were collecled from re/evanl
documents and 307 subjects, comprising 120 primwy school students, 80 primary school
leachers, 30 Berta community elders, 15 school principals, 30 VIA and 15 KCIU members, 6 _
regional experls,2 zonal desk and 9 woreda education experts were included. /)ala were
colleCied ji"om primwy and secondwy sources. the primwy data for the sludy was collected
through using questionnaire, interview, foclls group discllssion and observation. the secondwy
data were collecled ji"om differenl sources of documents, i. e. annual abstract of the region, the
regionul UPE plan and other relevanl documents. /3oth primwy and secondwy sources of dafa
were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using relevant statistical tools such as tahles,
ji"equency, percentages, the mean, Std, significance and t-test were used Based on Ihe major
.findings of the sludy revealed among other things that school related , OUI of school, socioeconomic
and also socio-cllituralfaciors were all idenlified 10 be Ihe major challenges 10 the
educalional participalion of /3erla children and in atlaining UPlc' by Ihe year 20 15. On Ihe
basis of Ihe resulls of the findings, the study recommends the H(jIUcB to come up with using
other viable strategies like Altemative basic education, expansion of non-jiJrmal and adult
educa/ion, appropriale .'i-Chool mapping, using flexible school calendar, upgrading Ihe exisling
sch('ols, increasing the role of Ihe privale seclor, improving school environment, expansion 0/
availahle school buildings and classrooms Fum locally available materials, slrenglhening
school community partnership, eSlablishing boarding schools e.lpecially low cost I'araboarding
schools thai are in harmony wilh the life condition (!f tradilional gold mining
c:omtl11lnity, school feeding program, provision (!f quality teaching materials, incel1lives jin'
olphans and vulnerable children, expan.I'{()n 0/ inclusive and .Ipedal need.l· educalion,
awareness crea/ion on gender equily, addressing security issue in collabora/ion wilh Ihe
commllility, clan chiej5 and religious leaders, the necessily (!f crealing a sense of ownership al
various levels and making continuo/.lsjiJllow up and providingji"equenl supervi.wny sup/,orl as
an il'llervenlionfi)r Ihe successful attainment of UFE
Challenges of Achieving Universal Primary Education, (Upe)