Open Space Quality And Sustainability: The Spatial Aspects of Low Cost Condominium Neighbourhood Open Spaces in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababauniversity


Urban redevelopment is the effort currently undergoing in the city of Addis Ababa This research examines a phenomenon currently happening in the open spaces of Addis Ababa condominium focuses on spatial aspect and sustainability of condominium neighbourhood open space. The research investigated the phenomenon through analysing two selected case study areas located in Kirkos and Nifassilk-lafto Sub cities of Addis Ababa. The research method used is a case study method in which both primary and secondary data were collected through qualitative and quantitative technique. The qualitative data analyses are done through discussion, comparative analysis of empirical observation and mapping. Random sampling method is applied to choose households during the survey. This research is carried out from the perspective in which quality and sustainability of open space is viewed as a significant element of organisation. Two categories of activities were used to evaluate the quality of open space and the result shows that necessary activities have been the dominant one, which leads to conclude that outdoor spaces are found in poor spatial qualities. However, most of the times a majority of open spaces is found to be dull and inactive, it was able to identify major uses and activities of open space. The research found a distinguished edge and central space within a defined open space in which the first is most chosen by the residents than the later. The study also found three major approaches of open space management in which the first is run by condominium owners association, the second is by business owners and the third is by self-motivated dwellers. A close connection between pedestrian movement, road hierarchy within the neighbourhood, and provision of commercial services are revealed by this study. Furthermore, lack of proper open space management, inefficient use of existing features and assets, poor arrangement of landscaping elements have heightened the un-sustainability of the study areas in spatial aspects. Finally, based on the findings of the study recommendations are forwarded. Keywords: Quality, Landscape, Open space, Sustainability, Activity



Quality: Landscape: Open space: Sustainability: Activity
