The Lived Experi ence of Families with Schizophrenic loved Ones
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Addis Ababa University
This paper described the lived experience offCllnilies living with schizophrenic loved ones with
the aim a/understanding their awareness aholli schizophrenia and their day /0 day interaction
with their schizophrenic loved ones. The coping mechanisms families lise in tillle of relapse and
the effect of schizophrenia on their evelyday living was also covered. MetilOdologically, the
research was in/orllled by qualitative case sWdy approach. The study was undertaken utilizing
an in-depth interview. Ten participants were plllposely selected and interviewed. The key
findings of the research indicated that participants have different understanding about the cause
of schizophrenia. They associated the illness with evil spirit, work related stress as well as
substance lise and addictioll. TheJilldings of this study a/so indicated thaI caregivers come
across various forms of challenges ill dealing and Iivil1g with th eir schizophrenic loved ones.
These challenges include personal, social, economical and emotional problems. As the stltdy
indicated the challenges par/iel/xlnts encountered are multi dimensional and interrelated. As a
resll!t holistic interventions are needed at difrerent levels such as individual, fam ily, societv and
organizationalleve!s. The interventions should be designed and implemented to ensure basic
illformation alld understanding about the nGflire of the illness, course and outcome of treatments
as well as advocacy for work place legal protection, social services provision, and mental health
treatment centers expansion.
experience offCllnilies living, with schizophrenic loved ones with the aim a/understanding