Psychological Problems of Parents of Children with Cancer Disease at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Referral Hospital, Addis Ababa
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The major objective of this study was to examine the psychological problems of parents of
children with cancer disease in Tekur Anbesa specialized referral hospital. The study was
employed descriptive survey design with quantitative research method. The data were collected
from 199 parents of children with cancer disease using simple random sampling technique. A
standardized DAS scale was used to measure the psychological problems of study participants.
To analyze the collected data both descriptive ((frequency, percentage, mean and standard
deviation) and inferential statistics (Independent sample t-test and One-way ANOVA) was
computed. The result from descriptive statistics showed that majority(57.29%) of study
participants had mild, moderate, sever, and extremely sever state of depression and similarly
more than half of study participants also reported mild, moderate, sever and extremely sever
level of anxiety. With regard to stress; however, majority (64.82%) of study participants had a
normal state of stress. The independent t-test also revealed that there was not a variation in
psychological problems (depression, anxiety and stress) between male and female parents of
children with cancer disease. The result from one way- ANOVA also showed that there is no
statistically significant difference in depression, anxiety and stress among emerged, young and
middle adult parents of children with cancer disease. With regard to educational status, the one
way- ANOVA similarly showed that no significant difference in depression, anxiety and stress
between non-educated and high-school completed, non-educated and diploma and above
holders, primary school completed and high-school completed, primary school completed and
diploma and above holders, high-school completed and diploma and above holder parents of
children with cancer disease. However, one way ANOVA showed that non-educated parents had
higher psychological problems (I.e. depression and anxiety) than primary school completed
parents. Based on the finding of the study the researcher; therefore, recommended for Tikur
Anbesa specialized referral hospital to improve and make it strong their guidance and
counseling system.