Ethiopian Media Coverage of the South Sudan Conflict;-The Case of the Ethiopian Herald, Fortune and Reporter

dc.contributor.advisorBeyene, Zenebe (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorMasresha, Yeshewa
dc.description.abstractThe ma in aim of t hi s study was to exa mine how the Ethi opi an Media covered the South Sudan conflict in the stud y period. In order to undertake the assignment, framing theory was employed. The stud y was cond ucted on t hree Eng li s h newspapers : th e Ethiopian Herald, Fortu ne and the Repo rter. A fo ur- m onth data was taken from each newspaper. Quantitative content a nalysis , Textua l a nalysis and in-d epth in terv iew were the teclmiques used. Quantitative content analys is and qualitative Textual ana lysis were applied to inves ti gate how the iss ue of South Sudan was framed in the newspape rs a nd to identify whi ch frame types were used. In-d epth interview was conducted to support the re sults found from the two me thods. The st ud y re ve als t hat the conflict frame was the domina nt frame used by Fortune and The Repo rter. A nd th e next frame was the attribution of responsibility frame which was the dominant fiĀ·ame for The Eth iopian Herald. Co nfli ct and human interest frames were the common fram es used by the three papers. The Ethiopian Herald and fortune showed simil arit y in using Attribution of re s ponsibility frame. For th e two newspapers the e lites from the ri valry groups are re spons ible for the ca use of the confl ict and also to brin g about so lu tion. different to the two newspapers, for The Reporter, Ethi op ia is more responsible in bringing peace because of the prox imit y it ha s w ith so uth Suda n and also in defending herself from the contagious nature of th e confl ict. The contingency fram e was found only in The Reporter's coverage to s how that the \ \ \ . \ f.. e conflict may spillover to Ethiopia, Unlike the Reporter, The Ethiopian Herald and Fortune preferred to say noth ing though aware of it. And also the economic frame was found only in Fortune which is business focused newspaper. In using news sources, it was found that Fortune was highly dependent on international media sources. While, The Reporter tried to use different sources in a balanced way. On the other side, almost all the stories in The Ethiopian Herald were event based whi ch coated the officials' speeches at the events and reports from different organizations. In the case of Ethiopian Herald, The study also prevails how ownership matters in delivering information on time. Based on the finding, some recommendations were forwarded.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectEthiopian Media Coverageen_US
dc.subjectSouth Sudan Conflicen_US
dc.subjectEthiopian Heralden_US
dc.titleEthiopian Media Coverage of the South Sudan Conflict;-The Case of the Ethiopian Herald, Fortune and Reporteren_US


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