Regional Economic Integration in Africa: The Case of Aviation Industry in Ethiopia and South Africa

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Addis ababa university


The focus of this study is to account for air transport liberalization by holding countries economy together in the context of integration aspiration and optimism in line with fostering sustainable regional development. Hence, the study is to understand the attributes of liberalization of air transport for regional economic integration in Africa with Ethiopian and South African experience. Though the essence of liberalizing air transport to development is valuable, independent rush of countries in Africa to development is a backlash against regional economic integration and shared destiny. The study used qualitative approach and descriptive research design. Purposive sampling technique was employed since it enabled the researcher to use his judgment to choose people that are presented and available that best meets the objectives of the study. Data gathering instruments were interviews. In the gathering tool, individuals were selected based on their professional relevance to the objectives of the study.In concluding part of the study, it is indicated that the aviation industry is determinant for regional economic integration in Africa in promoting integration and desired regional development and engagement of sovereign countries to harmonize their own respective aviation policy. It also briefly states how air transport is linked with regional economic integration and development, including the implications which have been reflected in theYamoussoukroDecision and Africa Union’s agenda 2063 in bringing regional integration for collective aspirations and common economic and political destiny. The challenges encountered in the course of liberalizing aviation and using it as a tool to integrate countries among different interests within their regions are also issues of concern. Regional integration is an increasingly desirable and workable developmental arrangement which facilitates the creation of institutions in which the central authority exercises their power on their sphere.So, the legitimacy of the foundation of institutional design of aviation industry matters. To minimize the dominance of westerns, Africans shall upgrade the strategic cooperation within themselves. The findings indicated the role of air transport which plays much in regional economic integration and growth that air transport is the nation's economic engine and has the ability to drive other sectors in addition to booming the economy. The role of air transport is enormous and could be tagged as a lifting machine for development with the respective regions. It wouldbebetter in an open sky and the response of respondents is that the degree of openness matters economically for integrating regions. The unified voices of the AU paint a vision of what we, for future generations and the continent, want for us.Air transport in South Africa facilitates spillover effects on other businesses like tourism. Key words:Aviation, Aviation industry, Ethiopia, Regionalism, Regional integration, South Africa



Aviation, Aviation industry, Ethiopia, Regionalism, Regional integration, South Africa

