Readers Satisfaction with Ethiopian Print Media the Case of Three Selected Amharic Private Magazines work

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Addis Ababa University


Med ia and society are interdependent. It is usual that Media works for the society in many ways. It works to protect the va lue and the moral of the society and mainly it endeavors to educate, in form and entertain the society. Any in format ion that is produced and presenfed by med ia has human element in it. Thus, these people have their own tastes, expectations and interests on media. If their taste, expectation and interest are not met with the contents of that specific media production, readers will have the question of satisfact ion/ dissat isfaction. This study endeavored to invest igate readers ' satisfaction/d issati sfaction of Fact, Addis Guday and Lomi magazines based in Addis Ababa. The study attempted to discover the reasons why people read those three magazines, and what sections of these magazines people prefer to read. It intended to ident ify where readers find magazines to read and to di scover what satisfy and dissatisfy them from the magazines they read. A total of 208 purposively selected magazine readers in Addis Ababa pa rticipated in the study. The study employed both quali tative and quant itative methods. The in struments used to collect data were questionna ires, inte rview and content analys is. The researcher used frequency and percentage for data analysis. According to the findin gs people read the three magazines for different reasons. In ge neral Add is Guday magazine readers are hi ghly satisfied with. Similarl y, most Fact magazine readers are sat isfi ed wi th its contents. Most of Lomi magazine readers however are not happy with the des ign, photos published and its copy and pasting approach. The majority of the three magazine readers mostly prefer to read political analysis, presentat ion and critiques on current affa irs. Many of Addis Guday magazine readers li ke to read health and science and technology issues whi le Lomi magazine readers like to read enteltainment contents. A significant number of magazine readers send their feedbacks to those magazines using social media, email and mostly discuss with friends and famil ies on what satisfy and di ssatisfy th em most.



Ethiopian Print Media, Magazines work
