Inverse Compton Scattering in strong Magnetic Field: a Possible Mechanism for Hard x-Ray production from Accreting Neutron stars

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Addis Ababa University


We began by considering Dirac equation to derive the inverse compton scattering cross section in strong magnetic field and this cross section has simple form for the scattering of a low frequency photon with relativistic electron. We also derived the spectrum function from this cross section,which has a direct application on the hardening of thermal photons(soft x-rays)through inverse compton scattering by relativistic electron beams on the surface of strongly magnetized neutron stars to get the highest scattered photon energy of magnitude: !f = 4 2!i for the incident photon angle i = and scattered photon angle f = 0 which can give hard x-ray spectrum in the energy range of 12KeV-50MeV by considering soft X-ray as incident photon and to get this spectrum the electron energy for pulsars(rotating Neutron stars)is considered as well. And we showed the application of Inverse compton scattering in X-ray Astronomy during Roche Lobe overflow and formation of Accretion disc in the compact object in our case(Strongly magnetized Neutron stars)



A Possible Mechanism for Hard x-Ray production

