Labour Rights of Security Guards in the Ethiopian Private Security Industry: Case Study in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The primary concern of this thesis is to examine whether adequate legal frameworks
for private security industries and adequacy of law that set wage and minimum wage
for private employment sector particularly private security industries in Ethiopia. And
what are the effects of these laws on labour rights of private security guards.
At international level there is a legal gap to establish the legal status of private
security service providers. The absence of binding international law for private
security industries at international level has its own impact on effective control of
potential private security service providers at national level.
ICOC is the only self regulation law that aimed to set minimum international
standards for the private security industries and to provide the legal framework at
national level. However, some states like South Africa and India have laws effectively
regulate domestic private security service providers operating within their territory.
In Ethiopia, there is no legislation that is comprehensively and separately enacted to
regulate private security service providers.
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Government has not ratified the ILO
conventions such as Convention No.95 of 1949, and No.26 of 1928, No.99 of 1951and
No.131of 1970 on wage and minimum wage protection respectively.
Even though Ethiopia has ratified the ICESCR which recognized the minimum wage
protection law, unlike for public servants, there is no law setting minimum wage
protection for private employment relationships in the Ethiopia. This instrument is an
integral part of the law of Ethiopia, and shall be interpreted in a manner conforming
to these instruments that entails the Ethiopia has duty to respect, protect and promote
the minimum wage protection. Thus, absence of laws that set minimum wage
protections in Ethiopian labour laws result to violation of labour rights of private
security guards.
Wage of Private security guards in Ethiopia private security industries are unduly
low. And the amount of salary private security industries contracted with
organizations for each security guard per month and actual amount of salary paid to
security guards per month by private security industries in Addis Ababa is unfair.
This shows private security industries are exploiting a monthly salary of security
Key Words: - Private security industry, private security guard, minimum wage,
unduly low and exploitation of wages.
Private security industry, private security guard, minimum wage, unduly low and exploitation of wages