Assessing Print Media Coverage in Enhancing Gender Equality: The Case of Addis Zemen Amharic Daily Newspaper

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study was to assess the Print Media's Coverage of gender issues and the role it played in Enhancing Gender Equality with especial focus on Addis Zemen Amharic Daily Newspaper. Qualitative methodological approach has been employed in order to address the research questions posed like contents of Addis Zemen daily newspaper were taken in selection for analysis with a time frame (From February 8,2017 up to February 7,2018) and supplemented by interview and Focused Group Discussion with two groups. Based on the data gathered, the study revealed Addis Zemen daily newspaper is not in a position to create public awareness and enhance gender equality. The newspaper which is administered under Ethiopian Press Agency follows traditional and male controlled administration system where females are not allowed to occupy the decision making position and decide on what story they want to create on the newspaper. Media's coverage of women issues with the high politicized manner, presenting the success of business women, mostly in relation to government's Small Scale Entrepreneurship policy, the media's focusing on covering of events which are organized by governmental institutions and lack of an investigative element in the news and feature stories of the newspaper reveal that Addis Zemen has poor performance in enhancing gender equality through continuous advocacy agenda. The inconsistent coverage of women and gender issues throughout the year reflects that the media is on the back raw in terms of the role it played in serving as a center of social learning and the building of healthy gender attitudes within the society. Finally, recommendations are given based on the research findings.



Assessing Print Media Coverage
