Implementation and Challenges of Youth Soccer Project in Addis Ababa
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Addis Abeba university
The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation and challenges of youth soccer
project in some selected sub city of Addis Ababa. Descriptive survey was the research method
employed to conduct the investigation. The data were collected by means of questionnaires
prepared in Amharic distributed to 40 trainees, 4 coaches, 4 administrative personnel, 4 sub
city sport officers and 12parents by using simple random sampling techniques, and document
analysis was used and then analyzed by using percentage and descriptive statement. The data
were analyzed using both quantitatively and qualitatively. Accordingly the research revealed
the following results;The selection of training center, the selection of coaches and trainees
conducted just randomly without proper and clear criteria. Lacks of organized
implementation, the facilities provided were unprportionalinterms of number of trainees, and
there is scarcity of fair distribution of training materials. The other problem faced is the
manual is not designed and modified based on the trainee’s age level. The sport wear and
other equipment’s were not good in quality and even they were not delivered in time needed.
The task and training activities that were expected to be conducted at the early beginning of
the year were not implemented accordingly. The financial and budget allocations were not on
the circumstances that may need especial action. The administrative bodies lacked well
designed follow ups and there were no concerned bodies were in charge of finding immediate
solutions to the problem that were faced by the trainers and trainees.The activities and the
whole accountabilities were limited to certain sub cities and expertise, and even personalities
that were making fewer follow ups. That kinds of implementations revealed that was exposed
to failure to solve the confronted challenges. Therefore, in order to facilitate and encourage
extensive participation, high standards and safety, and improved performance, attention must
be paid to the available sport infrastructure. To adequately improve the standard of sports
and efficiency in implementing programs, training and development opportunities must be
provided to sports practitioners. To attain these ideals, attention must be given to
development of our human resources. Specific attention must be given to acquiring and
developing resource material such as manuals and coaching kits, which will assist in
improving knowledge and advancing the technical skills of sport persons. Programs must be
designed so that they revitalize communities as partners in the delivery of sports programs.
Sports programs must reevaluate their programs and institute equitable programs that will
meet the needs of all youth
challenges of Youth Soccer Projec