The Impact of Work-Life Balance Dimensions on Employee Engagement, The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction: The Case of Bunna Bank Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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The General objective of this study is to investigate the Impact of Work-Life Balance Dimensions on Employee Engagement, the mediating effect of Job Satisfaction within the Specific Context of Bunna Bank in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methodologically, there is explanatory design with quantitative data type. The questionnaire was including validated scales to measure the constructs of interest from the Job Demands-Resources model (e.g. facets of work-life balance, engagement, job satisfaction, etc.) for Bunna Bank managerial level responds. The Data was then undergone rigorous statistical analyses including descriptive analyses, and multiple linear regressions modeling to examine relationships between work-life balance dimensions, engagement and satisfaction while accounting for potential confounding variables. The descriptive statistics indicate that while employees at Bunna Bank generally express moderate levels of job satisfaction, there are areas that require improvement, including fulfillment, growth opportunities, autonomy, recognition, and work-life balance. Similarly, the engagement levels of employees are moderate overall, with room for enhancement in work engagement and commitment, clarity of role and responsibilities, and feedback and recognition. The regression analysis reveals that work-life balance factors significantly influence both job satisfaction and employee job engagement. Finally, the Andrew Hayes PROCESS Macro Model analysis shows that the importance of addressing work-life balance and job satisfaction within Bunna Bank, as these factors have a significant impact on employee engagement. It is essential to note that these conclusions are specific to the context of Bunna Bank in Ethiopia and the variables considered in the analysis.



