Functional Categories in Afaan Oromo A Minimalist Approach
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis is on the func tional categories of Afaan Oromo based on Chomsky's recent
theory ( 1993) to ( 1995b). the Minimalist Programme and its subsequent de\elopments . In
the thesis an attempt is made to identify different functi onal categories in Afaan Oromo
and sho'" their structures in simple clause structures.
The thesis cons ists of four chapters. Chapter one deals ,,'ith a brief introduction to the
language and the people. Statement of the problem. objecti"es of the study, the
methodology used and the significance of the study are also included in this chapter. The
effo rts made so far to study the language and the a,ailable records of lingui stic
information on the language ha"e been discussed. The theoretical frame,,'ork employed
for the study is introduced. The o,en'iew of the )\!inimali st Programme and the difference
bet"'een the GO\'ernment-Binding (GB) and :vlinimali st Programme (MP) Models are
CllJpter t"'o is about the functional categori es of Afaan Oromo, The major functional
categorie s such as Pronouns. Determiners. Tense . . -\greemenl. :\egation. FocLis and Modal
. .!..u:\iliaries ha\e been ident ified and the ir reali zations are discussed.
Chapter th ree deals " 'ith case, The morphologically realized cases in the language are
identiti ed, The differen t case markers and case forms are presented , The case markers are
sutti:\es such as -ni for nominati"e case, I-f for datie. -nl for instrumental and 1-01 for
accus3 ti" e case . In this language. the case markers may appear on both the noun and the
adjecti,'e Which modities them. Structural case is also discussed, Finally. in chapter four
the summary and conclusion are gien.
Functional Categories