Fertility Desire and Family Planning Demand among HIV Positive Men and Women in Follow Up Care in Addis Ababa Antiretroviral Treatment Units
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Addis Ababa University
Back ground: HIV positive individuals may or may not have desire to have
children and want to use family planning. But the extent of theses desires and
how it varies by individual, social, health and demographic characteristics is not
well understood.
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess fertility desire and family planning
demand in HIV positive men and women on follow up care in Addis Ababa
ARV treatment units.
Method: The study was undertaken from January to February 2006, using
quantitative cross-sectional study supplemented by qualitative in-depth
interview on a sample of 461 PLWHA on follow up care. Study subjects were
selected using stratified random sampling method. A pre- tested structured
questionnaire was used to collect data and analyzed using spss version 11.
Result: One hundred nine (44.7%)of women and 76(35.2%)of men, over all
40.2%of HIV positive individuals receiving care in Addis Ababa desired to have
children. Generally HIV positive individuals who desired children are younger
(18-29) (adjusted OR: 3.05, 95%CI: 1.5-6.4), married/in relation ship(adjusted
OR :3.4,95%CI :2.1-5.6 ), have no children(adjusted OR: 11.5 ,95%CI :5.3-
24.9)and had partner who also desire children (adjusted OR: 38.7, 95%CI: 16.7-
89.1)than those who do not desire children. Two hundred forty six (53.5%) HIV
positive individuals are using and 85(39.7) want to use family planning in the
future. Condom was the preferred method of family planning among HIV
positive individuals after HIV diagnosis.
Conclusion: A high proportion of HIV positive individuals who received
medical care expressed a wish for parenthood and wants to use family planning.
The extent of fertility desire and family planning needs of these people has
implication for vertical, heterosexual transmission and the need for counseling.
In view of their wishes for children and family planning it is important for care
providers to address such issue. Care providers should also desist from the
conventional systematic advise against pregnancy but in addition to laying
emphasis on the risk, provide adequate information on available practicable
reproductive option for HIV positive individuals
HIV positive individuals