Activities Performed by Volunteers: The Case of Mekedonia Humanitarian Association

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Addis Ababa University


Volunteers are defined as those who help others with no expectation of monetary rewards and volunteerism as a type of activity that is intended to improve the wellbeing of others. However, Activities Performed by Volunteers is not well studied dimension in the Ethiopian context in general and in the study area in particular. Consequently, the major purpose of this study was to investigate activities performed by volunteers of Mekedonia Humanitarian Association. The study used qualitative method with case study approach. Purposive sampling technique was used to select samples. Data were gathered through interview, observation and document review. The collected data were organized and analyzed through qualitative research approach. Findings of this study revealed that, there are many motivational factors that make individuals to volunteer in social services. Among these, the main are to get mental satisfaction, to get God‟s blessing, to help succeed the organization its objectives, serve the community and getting opportunity to develop skills. The study found out that volunteers perform various activities ranging from simple tasks to more professional duties. Promoting the organization mission and values is among the activities volunteers perform. Concerning challenges of volunteering, lack of awareness about giving volunteer services, inadequate office facility and time constraints were found to be major challenges. This study forwarded implications for service, policy, research and education. As part of social work implication, what volunteers do in the association is related with social work roles that can be linked with “Reflexive therapeutic” approach which focuses on promoting and facilitating personal growth



Voluntary activities; Volunteering; Volunteer; Volunteerism

